Thought for the Month


At the trial of Jesus Pilate put this question to Jesus, “What is Truth”. This is a question which all of us can ask, but what will the answer be? Truth is filled with complex ideas, what one thinks as truth others may have a different opinion. How do we find the real meaning of truth and where do we find it? Truth has a qualification, it requires a foundation that can last the test of time. Truth involves both qualities of Faithfulness or Righteousness, the relationship between God and Man, Fidelity meaning strict conformity to truth or fact, Loyalty commitment, or support, Sincerity absence of pretense or deceit, Veracity meaning honest and truthful.

During the trial of Jesus who was the truth “I am the way, the truth, and the life”, the Jewish leaders made up false evidence brought by lies to the trail, they knew that the charge of blasphemy would not convince Pilate so they lied yet again by claiming that Jesus has challenged Caesar by claiming he was King of the Jews that was breaking Roman law. Lies do not conform to the foundation of truth. Jesus the truth could not lie because this would have been a sin and since he was God’s word incarnate he was without sin. God the creator cannot create sin, only good and that is his plan for all humanity to lives of goodness.

If you take an oath in a court of law, you asked to state you will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. if not you can be charged with perjury, it is a legal requirement, to tell the truth, or face the consequences. today, however, the truth has become water down in all aspects of society. I know my truth and that is enough for me, I will make it up as it suits me. The problem with this sort of attitude is there is no consensus which is true or false. There is no examination of the facts, agreements of definitions, there are no criteria for a successful outcome to establish what is truth and what is false, and yet people are expected to believe whatever.

One could ask if there is a government or politician that practices the qualities necessary to get to the truth. Do they practice any of the above requirements or are they encouraged to mislead or misrepresent the facts which can and do harm the people they govern?  We see this all the time, we only have to look at our own country. One minute we are told one thing the next day it has changed or a U-turn no wonder people have given up trusting politicians and make statements “they are only out for themselves”. This may be true, they all have their own agendas.

Where do we find the truth? This question should raise the ears of all and as a result, begin to seek and find. Truth can only be discovered by following the ideals of Jesus to seek the moral good and ethical practice of our lives, if we have no morals or ethics we must find them and all of it comes from the life of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”  In all of the above in red is there anything wrong to seek the higher ideals?  if we do so then the world would be more honest and trustworthy.