ATTENTION!!! – DURING LENT THERE IS NO MASS ON FRIDAYS. You are invited to join Station Mass every Friday at 7.00pm. Next Station Mass 14th March 2024 – St Francis’ Mannofield Church at 7pm, Stations 6:00pm (confession prior), Kincorth Station Mass, 21st March at 7pm (buffet help needed)
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday at 12:30 during lunch time. Join us!!!
LENTEN ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH: Parish is planning some activities for children and youth during April School Holidays on 7 April 2025 (P1-P4 kids), 8 April 2025 (P5-P7 kids) and 9 April 2025 (S1 and older youth) from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Without helpers it will not happen (training session for helpers after Sunday Mass at 11:00am on 23 March 2025). Registration will start from 16 March 2025.
PARISH FINANCE MEETING: Presbytery redecoration costs £13,283.00 (painting, flooring, furnishing, lights and switches exchange, new tumble dryer). Full finance report will be given in April, when 2024/2025 finance year ends.
DIVINE MERCY GROUP: Meetings on every Tuesday at 6.30pm
CHURCH IS MY HOME: Filled forms please put into the box at the back of the church.
LENTEN TALKS: Fr Neil Ritchie – Sat/Sun 15/16 March 5.00pm (Vigil) and 11.00am Mass and 12:30am Talk – DILEXIT NOS – which means “He loved us.” Pope Francis encyclic on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ. Fr James Anyaegbu – Mon 24 March 6.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, opportunity for confession, 7.00pm Mass
CONTACTLESS COLLECTION: If you don’t have cash with you and you are still willing to donate some money to help parish with daily maintenance, there is a card machine at the back of the church on a table. Choose any amount you wish and tap the card. If a Gift Aider you must insert your card to pay. You can also support our parish by making on-line donation on our website:
Fabric Collection: There is a donations box at the back of the church for anyone who wishes to continue to make donations to the building fund. There will be no second collection unless it is mandatory.
Assistance in church: Assistance is still required for church cleaning, washing of linens, altar server vestments and passkeepers (greeters) for all masses. Please consider what you can do to help your parish, a load shared is a load lightened.
Tea and Coffee are served after Mass (Sun), please join us as we meet each other for a chat.
SUNDAY COLLECTION: £537.20 (£376.20 Plate, £161 G/Aid)
FABRIC DONATION: £193.40 (£152.40Cash, £41.00 G/Aid)